Studio Abend

Valentin Abend (he/him) is an architect, climate organiser and teacher.

He studied at the Academy of Architecture in Mendrisio and worked for Herzog & de Meuron in Basel and SO – IL in New York. He is founder and director at Climate Words, Inc. and Paraply School, and teaches Sustainable Systems at Parsons School of Design.

Studio Abend

Valentin Abend (he/him) is an architect, climate organiser and teacher.

He studied at the Academy of Architecture in Mendrisio and worked for Herzog & de Meuron in Basel and SO – IL in New York. He is a Project Coordinator at Climate Words, Inc. and Paraply School, and teaches Sustainable Systems at Parsons School of Design.




2022 Ongoing / New York, US

A lexicon to promote climate literacy

After years of experience in climate spaces, the project addresses a significant gap in climate communication, which has often stunted action. The organisation was founded with the mission to promote climate literacy by curating an extensive lexicon of key words submitted by experts on the frontlines. Climate Words, Inc. won the Young Climate Voice award in 2023, and continues to evolve in collaboration with prominent brands and figures in the climate space.

In collaboration with Pamela EA